Dear colleagues,
Last year was one like no other.
The constant pressure challenged us all.
However, we not only managed to prevail, but made many improvements to our company and will get out of this pandemic stronger than we were when it started.
I am so very grateful that, although we had a number of positive Covid 19 cases, all of our colleagues have fully recovered.
Importantly, due to your commitment and personal dedication, and unlike other companies in our sector, we managed to serve our customers without a single day of downtime at any site during this difficult period.
The management team and myself thank you for this.
Undoubtedly there will be more challenges ahead of us. But we can look ahead with confidence in our abilities and experience.
I wish you and your families a great new year.
Best regards,
Tilman F. Ehret, ENPI GROUP CEO
ENPI GROUP: an Industry Leader in Flexible and Food Packaging.
A Manufacturer of Packaging and Plastic Materials with over 25 years of Experience in Flexible Packaging, PET Preforms and closures, Food Packaging and Hygiene Solutions.